general information
The Gateway School is a complex self-managing Government school for learners with special educational needs rendering services to learners with an intellectual disability. Many of the learners attending The Gateway School have multiple disabilities.
The school caters for learners ranging in ages 5 to 18 years and represent the total spectrum of the South African community. The language of learning and teaching at The Gateway School is Afrikaans and English and the school offers alternative methods of communication for the non verbal learners.
We strive to be a leading school for learners with special educational needs (LSEN) dedicated to preparing learners to live a dignified life and assisting them to reaching their full potential.
As a school we are committed to quality education.
We strive to:
- Provide excellent educational opportunities for learners with special educational needs.
Develop each learner holistically. - Instil democratic processes and a culture of responsibility and accountability amongst all stakeholders.
- Foster constructive partnerships with the community
A democratically elected School Governing Body represents all stakeholders (Parents, Educators and Non-Educators) in accordance with the South African Schools Act. The SGB is representative of the South African community and its key task is to ensure sound financial practices at the school.
The school utilizes management principles and therefore a school management plan is annually developed, reflecting the following criteria that are used for evaluation purposes:-
Basic functionality
- Leadership and Management
- Governance
- The quality of teaching and teacher development
- Curriculum provision and resources
- Teacher achievement
- School safety, security and discipline
- Adequacy of school infrastructure
- Involvement of parents and the community
The school instructs the Differentiated Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Learners with Severe Intellectual Disability and learners progress from Grade R to Grade 5. The curriculum has been designed by the Department of Basic Education and is compulsory. The curriculum consists of three core subjects, namely Language, Mathematics and Life Skills. From the ages 14 years and older (Grade 4), skills subjects are implemented of which The Gateway School instructs the following:
- Agricultural Studies
- Art and Crafts
- Beauty and Nail Technology
- Consumer Studies
- Food Production
- Consumer Studies Sewing
- Office Administration
- Woodworking and
- Timber
- Welding
According to the Differentiated Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement requirements, Natural Sciences as well as a First Additional Language is introduced at 14 years.
In grade 4 and 5 the Life Skills programme focusses on Vocational Training Program whereby learners are given the opportunity of being included in the following programs:
Home Independence Programme
Home Management and Internal School Tasks
Open Labour Market
Four report cards and Individual Support Plans are sent home to parents to ensure participation in their child’s school programme.
We offer physiotherapy, occupational and speech therapy. Our therapy goals are to:
Enhance each learners ability to fully access and be successful in the learning environment and to equip learners with the necessary skills to live independently.
improve all aspects of a learners communication. This includes comprehension, expression, sound production and the social use of language.
Physically disabled learners benefit from hydrotherapy in our heated indoor hydrotherapy pool.
A multi disciplinary team of well qualified, dedicated and enthusiastic staff members have been identified as one of the schools strongest assets. The team consist of teachers, therapists, a school nurse, social worker as well as 2 students. The staff is committed to excellent service delivery.
The learners partake in seasonal sporting activities such as athletics, swimming, soccer, netball and Eisteddfods.